Historical: CHELEM
International Trade Flows, Balance of Payments & World Revenues (GDPs).
Moody’s Analytics CHELEM database enables you to analyze national economic performance compared to the global economic situation to provide a more accurate picture. CHELEM is made up of three databases linked by the same division into 82 consistent geographic areas. Users can subscribe to some or all of the available databases.
- Coverage:
- CHELEM - International Trade (INT): This module contains information on the trade of goods broken down into 71 product categories. The breakdown is also available using the GTAP (43 class) or ISIC (147 class) classification. For each year, and for each of the product categories (CEPII, GTAP or ISIC), the monetary values of the trade between the countries/jurisdictions is presented in a unique matrix.
- CHELEM - Gross Domestic Product (GDP): This module contains 5 different macro-economic aggregates with data going back to 1960. The series are available for the 82 pre-set geographic zones and all individual countries/jurisdictions. The variables are as follows: Total population (millions of inhabitants), An internationally comparable gross domestic product (in USD at current market prices), Gross domestic product as intertemporal volume (at constant market prices, USD 2005), Purchasing power parity gross domestic product (at constant market prices, USD 2005) and Nominal exchange rates.
- CHELEM - Balance of Payments (BOP): Balance of payment flows for the geographic zones plus individual countries/jurisdictions, including 213 headings covering variables as listed by the IMF, 7 aggregates and 4 balances.
- Sources: CEPII, the leading French center for the study and research of global economics. A public body, CEPII is overseen by the CAS (Conseil d’Analyse Stratégique). In creating CHELEM, CEPII uses publications from international bodies such as the World Bank, the IMF, UNO, OECD, EUROSTAT etc.